Guidance for hurdle-free lives

Jyotish Vedic Astrology Consultation

Personalized Predictions

Plan your success with Vedic Astrology

General Consultation

When you don't have specific questions in your mind

$ 30

What can you expect in the coming time. Things that stand out, things that you need to be careful about, focus areas for maximum success

One Question

When you have specific questions in your mind

$ 15

Answers to a specific questions. More focus and greater detail. Anything - health, money, career, relationships etc.

Three Questions

When you have specific questions in your mind

$ 30

Answers to three specific questions. More focus and greater detail. Anything - health, money, career, relationships etc.

Horoscope Matching

Compatibility analysis for marriage purposes

$ 15

Compatibility Analysis between you and your partner via horoscope matching. Matching on points, attitude, and disposition